Why I move? MY STORY
my name is William and this is my story, short and clear. My passion for movement started in my teenage years where I developed a strong passion for 2 high intensity sports, boxing and surfing. Quickly I realised I needed to pay attention to what I was eating and how to treat my body before and after the workouts, to be able to perform in the best way possible.
How it all started
In my 20's after 7 years of maintaining my habits of food and sports my student years broke through and I started having one injury after the other. I found myself in the hospital several times because my body could not handle the food and nutritients I was providing it. Pancreatitis, Chronic stomach inflammation that lasted 2 years, followed by an intollerance of a dozen of nutrients and foods I could not digest. My (forced) passion for a healthy lifestyle continued.
Now, 10 years later
That passion lead me from food to psychology, meditation, NLP, Alchemie, spirituality, Natural and Eastern medicin and so on... Having studied these theme's over the last years I finally feel I am ready to create my own reality out of what I learned and that I have more than enough value to truly make a lasting change in peoples life and their health.
Can't wait to teach you what I know!
Hope to see you there.

For Who?
MOVE is for everyone that wants to make a real change, NOW! For every person that want to take that first or second step into the right direction of a happy and healthy life. Our focus group is young adults, mostly because we are a part of them and we fully understand the importance of the change your body makes when you are in your 30's , 40's,... or even already in your end 20's. It's usually very confronting.
The mental pressure and stress also usually rises substantially as we mature. So we find it important to give people the right education to tackle these and get the right tools early on, to live a healthier, happier and more conscious life.
As we want to create a community. So we want to attract like minded people that are open, curious, social, good hearted, fun, positive, happy and ambitious.

Investing in yourself is the best gift you can give yourself. Age in a healthy way, be happy and energized while experiencing real joy and fulfillment. Seems like a no-brainer to me.
Do you...
- Experience a lot of stress?
- Don’t have the energy that you need during the day?
- Feel your body is not the same as it used to be?
- In your 30's and want to focus more on becoming healthy and fit?
- Experience the rat race of life and can’t find the time to learn and create a healthy lifestyle?
- Want to learn more about your mind, body and soul?
- Want one easy to follow plan that covers the essentials to stay healthy and vital?
- Feel like you need some tools to get some rest in your mind and body?