Get ready to transform your daily life with MOVE.
We equip you with easy and practical tools to help you become the healthiest and best version of yourself.
What sets MOVE apart is our first-hand experience of the fast-paced corporate lifestyle that dominates our present reality. We understand the challenges that come with it, and that's why we've developed an approach to help you quickly turn your life around.
In our comprehensive method, we blend blend theory and practice about mental and physical health, to give you the best possible outcome. Our course draws from a unique combination of cutting-edge Western science and timeless Eastern wisdom. Are you ready to take the first step towards a healthier and happier you? Join MOVE for an unforgettable training event!
This program takes into account everything you need to become the best and healthiest version of yourself. Topics like Food & Nutritients, Breathing, Meditation, Movement & Mindset and Your body. Based on both the eastern and western principles of physical and mental health.
Immerse yourself in a hollistic transformational program to completely change your life.
Weekly online 1-on-1 calls, exercices, meditations, breathing session, and so much more. This program guides you from feeling lost and unsure to a state of empowerment, clarity, and direction, enabling you to live more fulfilled and a purpose-driven live.
"In it's essence it will bring you to a life where you are living at your highest potential and you experience every aspect of life to it's fullest being happy, healthy and filfilled. "
Week 1 - Breath Work
Start by decluttering your mind and body through breath work, releasing stress and trauma, thus reconnecting with your body, fostering self-love, and making grounded decisions.
Breath is the foundation of life. You master your breath, you master your mind, you master your emotions, you daily state of being. As a result this will determine the direction of your life.
Week 2 - Meditation
Meditation purifies and clears the mind, it teaches you self-love and reveals your true selve. Who you are at your core and what the gifts are that you received to lead this life happy and with purpose. It equips you to handle life’s challenges with clarity and peace, guiding you towards a more meaninful life. Meditation sits at the core of happiness.
Week 3 - Habits
We dive deeper into the habits that are holding you back and use a proven strategy to create a method of integrating the new chosen habits in our life. A step by step porcess from where you are to a life that allign with the life you always dreamed off.
Week 4 - Mindset - Patterns and limiting beliefs
This critical phase addresses past patterns and limiting beliefs. We will have a close look what they mean, where they come from, how to recognize them and most importantly how to change them. We will use neuro-science to reprogram the negative once that have been holding you back and replace them with the beliefs that will bring you to that point you want to be.
Your past will not determine your future anymore!
Week 5 - The laws of the universe: Manifestation and Affirmation, quantum physics,...
Learn the power of positive thinking and clarity in shaping your future. Understand how to manifest your dream life through focused energy and intention.
This might be one of the strongest qualities someone can learn. Understanding how to do this correctly is a major game changer for everyone. Only this can get you from that mediocre life to a life of abundance in every field.
Week 6 - Food and Nutrition
This week emphasizes the role of nutrition in providing the energy and well-being necessary to pursue one's dreams and maintain a healthy, active lifestyle. We cover to updated science coming from a western point of view. Analytical with loads of facts and numbers, but also the true meaning behind a healthy diet from an Eastern perspective. How do we stay balanced.
Week 7 - The Body
Gain insights into your body. Learn how to manage stress, understand emotions, and maintain a strong, healthy physique. What tools can help us, what are the hacks to stay healthy, to have longevity. What we want is maintaining all the functions of our body and our energy while we age. For that we need to understand how to treat our body daily.
Week 8 - Spirituality
Some may say this is the essence of life. Why? We take a deep dive into alchemy, purpose, soul/ego/personality and how it serves us, how we can use the knowledge of different spiritual practices to enhance the quality of our everyday life and relationships.
Week 9 - Money and Business
An important part of many peoples focus these days is still money and their business. Focusing on financial well-being, this chapter helps align your passions with your career, fostering a mindset of abundance and success. Covering a road map to succes .
Week 10 - Movement - Exercises
Physical movement and exercise are introduced to enhance physical health, flexibility, and most importantly pain management. It is the journey towards a balanced life where you are painfree and energized.
*FREE EXTRA MODULE¨* Week 11 - Principles of the East
The program concludes by teaching the balance of yin and yang, offering a daily clearer view of life’s events, and teaching how to find balance in everyday life. The principles of Yin and Yang applied on humans, food and day to day life will give you one of the greatest insides you have ever had.
Price: 2950 EUR
1 Year full access
What is the Ultimate Transformation program about?
"Transform your life
while keeping the balance and harmony you need"

you NOW
Lacking energy
Physical discomfort
Not as fit as you want
No headspace
Restless mind or body
Rat race of life
No fullfillment & passion
→ time to MOVE

Healthy mind and body
Fullfilled and passionate
Consciously loving life
You have the feeling you tried many general programs but they just don't work?
Let's go deeper on a personal level to understand where the barriers are of your transformation. Mentally and physically. You are in need of good talk to make smart/ healthy decisions in your life. Based on NLP, the eastern phyilosofy we will figure out together where the barriers are for you to become the best you can be and tackle them.
Bookings on request, 50 EUR / hour

"Small changes make a
big difference over a long period of time."
